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Urban Risks

Risques urbains

URiS - ISSN 2516-1857 - © ISTE Ltd

Aims and scope

Objectifs de la revue

Urban Risks sets major frameworks of risk analysis reflection related to a particular type of threat or vulnerability while learning from other experiences necessary for understanding the complexity of the urban operation.


This multidisciplinary approach allows authors to submit articles from the point of view of malfunctions due to the fragility and interdependence of technical systems, responses and impacts of human, material, social or financial exposure to climate, industrial, terrorist or natural hazards, or from the point of view of the concepts of vulnerability, resilience and efficiency, modeling, methods on spatial and temporal approaches, assessment, data and representation tools.

Risques urbains pose les grands cadres de réflexion d’analyse des risques liés à un type particulier de menace ou de vulnérabilité tout en s’enrichissant d’autres expériences nécessaires à la compréhension de la complexité du fonctionnement urbain.


Cette multidisciplinarité permet aux auteurs de présenter des articles sous l’angle des dysfonctionnements dus à la fragilité et aux interdépendances des systèmes techniques, des réponses et des impacts humains, matériels, sociaux ou financiers, de l’exposition à des aléas naturels, climatiques, industriels, terroristes, ou sous l’angle des concepts de vulnérabilité, de résilience et d’efficience, de modélisation, des méthodes, d’approches spatiales et temporelles, des outils d’évaluation, des données et des représentations.


Processus de sélection des articles et d’évaluations par des pairs.

Le processus se déroule en 4 étapes avec des délais courts afin que la décision finale soit rendue dans un délai de 3 mois :

1. A réception des articles les rédacteurs en chef établissent une première sélection afin d’éliminer les articles dont la qualité ou le contenu semblent loin des objectifs de la revue. Un accusé de réception est alors envoyé à l’auteur.

2. Dans le cas d’une acceptation de l’étape 1, les articles sont soumis au comité éditorial (ou aux rédacteurs associés dans le cadre d’un numéro spécial ou d’un dossier thématique). Un membre du comité éditorial (appelé l’éditeur) se charge de piloter la procédure d’évaluation par des pairs (2 évaluateurs externes minimums).

3. A la réception des rapports d’évaluation l’éditeur et les rédacteurs en chef décident de la suite à donner à l’article (Acceptation, Publication après corrections, Refus). En cas de contradiction entre les deux rapports des évaluateurs externes, l’article sera soumis à un membre du comité de rédaction pour une évaluation complémentaire avant décision.

4. Un courriel est envoyé à l’auteur afin de lui signifier le résultat de l’évaluation. La décision est sans appel. En cas de « Publication après corrections » l’auteur a un délai court (2 à 4 semaines selon les cas) pour procéder aux corrections. La version modifiée (accompagnée d’une lettre précisant la prise en compte par les auteurs des demandes formulées) est alors transmise à l’éditeur qui vérifie la pertinence des modifications. Si les corrections ne paraissent pas satisfaisantes, le comité de rédaction est consulté et peut refuser la publication de l’article.

Journal issues


Volume 23- 7

Issue 1


Volume 22- 6

Issue 1


Volume 21- 5

Issue 1


Volume 20- 4

Issue 1


Volume 19- 3

Issue 1


Volume 18- 2

Issue 1

Issue 2


Volume 17- 1

Issue 1

Recent articles

Flood risks, opportunities and resilience: How to ensure change implements in Canada?
Isabelle Thomas, Anne Laure Fakiroff

Provincial and territorial laws and policies regarding land use planning provide guidance to municipalities in their planning. Because their financing and revenue sources are sometimes limited, the maintenance of infrastructure and other public services rely largely on property taxes and development charges as the main source of financing, which incentivizes development. This situation can lead to unsustainable development, poor adaptation and increasing vulnerability accompanied by climate change. In this context, the protection and creation of green spaces within municipalities are often considered as a limit to development. These policies thus maintain a situation of risk and aggravated exposure impacting both owners of commercial buildings and homes, insurance companies, municipalities, and higher levels of government. This article will provide a general understanding of the current state of land use legislation and policy in Canada and its implications for adaptation, resilience and risk. We will examine current gaps in provincial and territorial land use planning laws and policies that create or maintain moral hazard preventing or limiting adaptation in Canada before highlighting possible and practical alternatives within other canadian and international jurisdictions.

Simulation software to improve post-hurricane waste collection
Quy Thy Truong, Anne Ruas, Serge Lhomme

Hurricanes are a major natural hazard and a real threat to certain populations and territories. In this paper we present the principles and results of an open source software that allows to simulate damage based on statistics from Hurricane Irma (2017) and to simulate different waste collection scenarios. After the analysis of the waste collection on the island of Saint Martin after Irma, we reproduced the collection process in two stages, then we enriched the method to apply it to larger territories, containing more treatment and storage sites such as Guadeloupe or Martinique. The proposed method makes it possible to estimate collection times and the distance traveled according to the severity of the event, the number and location of temporary storage areas and treatment and storage sites, but also according to the means (in trucks) and the organization of waste collection in collection basins. The software can be used before any event, in anticipation, to optimize the means of collection or just after an event from the moment damaged areas or buildings are identified by remote sensing, which is more and more often the case. It should be noted that one of the challenges is not only to reduce collection time, but if possible to set up sorting, at least for electrical and electronic equipment, to transform waste into resources in a context of resource re-use and transport reduction. Surveys and simulation experiments also reveal that the waste loading-unloading time is very important, which could guide the choice of equipment at community level to speed up the return to normal.

Confinement of the population in case of toxic cloud: from the doctrine to its application in urban areas
Daudé Éric

This paper studies the doctrine of population containment’s in case of an industrial accident with toxic effects in France. The accident in Bhopal (India, 1984) led to one of the worst industrial disasters in history, with nearly 4000 victims in only a few hours following the explosion of a chemical plant and the release of a deadly gas into the atmosphere. Many countries are exposed to industrial accidents, and the occurrence of a catastrophic event is sometimes followed by changes in regulations and measures at the national or even international level: reinforcement of hazard studies and safety measures on the part of industrialists, warning measures and integration of vulnerability on the part of territorial management of issues. However, the low occurrence of major industrial accidents on a national scale and the low probability of their recurrence in the same territory (unlike natural hazards) are potentially a brake on these developments. The weakness of the resources and capacities of the populations to protect themselves from an industrial accident and its toxic effects are an illustration. The objective of this paper is to present how toxic effects are defined around industrial plants classified as Seveso in France, and its consequences on land use planning, on containment standards and on information to the population. From a case study, the industrial accident in the metropolis of Rouen Normandie on September 26, 2019, we show how people living in the 500-meter containment zone around the site behaved and study which local devices could be put in place to make the containment instruction applicable to the whole territory.

Editorial Board

Editors in Chief

Lab’Urba – Université Gustave Eiffel

Damien SERRE
Université de Polynésie Française


Vincent BECUE
Université de Mons

Martina COMES
University of Agder

Corinne LARRUE
Université Paris-Est Créteil


Isabelle THOMAS
Université de Montréal

Christine VOIRON
Université de Nice

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