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Vol 8 - Numéro 1

Arts et sciences

Liste des articles

Cinéma et archéologie extraterrestre
Olivier Planchon, Christophe Thomazo, Pierre Pouzet, Cécile Allinne

Some scenarios of science fiction films, episodes of television series, or documentaries are based on and, or develop the theme of extraterrestrial civilizations’ research and discovery and their various consequences. The present study discusses their likelihood and implausibility by reviewing facts versus fiction in movies and television series. Some selected films were classified into two categories, depending on the location of the fictional discoveries of the remains of extraterrestrial civilizations : on Earth or other planets. Results highlight that while fiction movies are often inspired by controversial ufological theories such as that of ancient astronauts, some of them also emphasize scientific concern such as the risk of biological contamination.

Le Querelleur Hermann Fol (1845-1892) : Ses travaux Scientifiques, son Art et ses Inventions
John R. Dolan

Hermann Fol was a very accomplished Swiss naturalist of the late 19th century, but today is largely forgotten. He was a student of the notable biologists Édouard Claparède and Ernst Haeckel, and like them, specialized in the study of marine organisms. Fol is known only among embryologists for his description of fertilization in echinoderms. In reality, his work ranged well beyond such studies to encompass diverse taxa of the marine plankton, illustrated with remarkable scientific artwork, and included designing various scientific devices. Fol worked on human embryology, light penetration in seawater, methods of reducing microbial contamination of drinking water, and development of a rabies vaccine. His career was marked by a long series of disputes with contemporary naturalists and was relatively short, ending at age 47 with a mysterious disappearance. Here I provide a review of his contentious life, his scientific work, his scientific art, his scientific inventions, and his role in establishing Villefranche-sur-Mer as a center of marine science. The life and work of Hermann Fol is shown to be an example of the very wide-ranging activities of 19th century naturalists, and the apparent dangers of an over-sized ego.

Genius loci : creuser pour révéler ? Art et Archéologie, l’exemple de Terra Amata
Charlotte Pringuey-Cessac, Bertrand Roussel

La pratique de l’archéologue et celle de l’artiste, au moment d’investir un site, sont-elles si éloignées ? Pour aborder un espace, il convient de prendre la mesure de l’existant. Si cet existant constitue un indice pour l’archéologue, comment est-il perçu par l’artiste qui tente de l’appréhender ? La plasticienne Charlotte Pringuey-Cessac et le préhistorien Bertrand Roussel évoquent leur approche respective du site de Terra Amata, dans le cadre d’une exposition qu’ils ont présentée du 6 décembre 2019 au 17 mai 2020, intitulée Bruit originaire.