
Mathématiques   > Accueil   > Avancées en Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées   > Numéro 2 (Mars 2022)   > Article

Formules explicites du noyau de la chaleur sur les espaces projectifs des quaternions

Explicit formulas of the heat kernel on the quaternionic projective spaces

Ali Hafoud
Centre Régional des Métiers de l’Education et de la Formation de Kenitra

Allal Ghanmi
Université Mohammed-V de Rabat

Publié le 14 mars 2022   DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0809





We consider the heat equation on the quaternionic projective space $$$P_{n}(ℍ)$$$, and we establish two formulas for the heat kernel, a series expansion involving Jacobi polynomials, and an integral representation involving a $$$\theta$$$-function. More precisely, using the quaternonic Hopf fibration and the explicit integral representation of the heat kernel on the complex projective space $$$P_{2n+1}(ℂ)$$$, as well as an integral representation of Jacobi polynomials in terms of Gegenbauer polynomials, we give an explicit integral representation of the heat kernel on the $$$n$$$-quaternionic projective space. We also establish an explicit series expansion of the heat kernel in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. Moreover, we derive an explicit formula of the heat kernel on the sphere $$$S^4$$$.

We consider the heat equation on the quaternionic projective space $$$P_{n}(ℍ)$$$, and we establish two formulas for the heat kernel, a series expansion involving Jacobi polynomials, and an integral representation involving a $$$\theta$$$-function. More precisely, using the quaternonic Hopf fibration and the explicit integral representation of the heat kernel on the complex projective space $$$P_{2n+1}(ℂ)$$$, as well as an integral representation of Jacobi polynomials in terms of Gegenbauer polynomials, we give an explicit integral representation of the heat kernel on the $$$n$$$-quaternionic projective space. We also establish an explicit series expansion of the heat kernel in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. Moreover, we derive an explicit formula of the heat kernel on the sphere $$$S^4$$$.

Heat equation Heat kernel Quaternionic projective space Hopf fibration Jacobi polynomials

Heat equation Heat kernel Quaternionic projective space Hopf fibration Jacobi polynomials