Mathematics > Home > Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics > Issue 3 (Special AUS-ICMS 2020) > Article
Karim Benhenni
Université Grenoble Alpes
Didier A. Girard
Sana Louhichi
Université Grenoble Alpes
Published on 28 July 2021 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0696
We consider the problem of the optimal selection of the smoothing parameter $$${h}$$$ in kernel estimation of a trend in nonparametric regression models with strictly stationary errors. We suppose that the errors are stochastic volatility sequences. Three types of volatility sequences are studied: the log-normal volatility, the Gamma volatility and the log-linear volatility with Bernoulli innovations. We take the weighted average squared error (ASE) as the global measure of performance of the trend estimation using $$${h}$$$ and we study two classical criteria for selecting $$${h}$$$ from the data, namely the adjusted generalized cross validation and Mallows-type criteria. We establish the asymptotic distribution of the gap between the ASE evaluated at one of these selectors and the smallest possible ASE. A Monte-Carlo simulation for a log-normal stochastic volatility model illustrates that this asymptotic approximation can be accurate even for small sample sizes.
We consider the problem of the optimal selection of the smoothing parameter $$${h}$$$ in kernel estimation of a trend in nonparametric regression models with strictly stationary errors. We suppose that the errors are stochastic volatility sequences. Three types of volatility sequences are studied : the log-normal volatility, the Gamma volatility and the log-linear volatility with Bernoulli innovations. We take the weighted average squared error (ASE) as the global measure of performance of the trend estimation using $$${h}$$$ and we study two classical criteria for selecting $$${h}$$$ from the data, namely the adjusted generalized cross validation and Mallows-type criteria. We establish the asymptotic distribution of the gap between the ASE evaluated at one of these selectors and the smallest possible ASE. A Monte-Carlo simulation for a log-normal stochastic volatility model illustrates that this asymptotic approximation can be accurate even for small sample sizes.
Nonparametric trend estimation Kernel nonparametric models Smoothing parameter selection Average squared error Excess of average squared error Mean average squared error Mallows criterion Cross validation Generalized cross validation SV models
Nonparametric trend estimation Kernel nonparametric models Smoothing parameter selection Average squared error Excess of average squared error Mean average squared error Mallows criterion Cross validation Generalized cross validation SV models