Mathematics > Home > Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics > Issue 2 (Special CSMT 2023) > Article
Marcello Lucia
The City University of New York
Published on 7 March 2024 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1100
The second fundamental form arising from an oriented minimal immersion of a closed surface in a space form satisfies several constraints. One of them is provided by the Gauss-Codazzi equation that can be rephrased as a semilinear problem on the surface. We discuss some results for these type of nonlinear problems and analyze the behaviors of the solutions when the hyperbolic norm of the second fundamental form is small.
The second fundamental form arising from an oriented minimal immersion of a closed surface in a space form satisfies several constraints. One of them is provided by the Gauss-Codazzi equation that can be rephrased as a semilinear problem on the surface. We discuss some results for these type of nonlinear problems and analyze the behaviors of the solutions when the hyperbolic norm of the second fundamental form is small.
space forms minimal surfaces semilinear elliptic equations variational methods blowup analysis
space forms minimal surfaces semilinear elliptic equations variational methods blowup analysis