Mathematics > Home > Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics > Issue 1 (January 2024) > Article
Abhijit Banerjee
University of Kalyani
Jhuma Sarkar
University of Kalyani
Published on 5 January 2024 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2023.1049
This article is devoted to explore various forms of transcendental entire solution of different quadratic trinomials generated by first order linear c-shift operator. We also investigate the forms of solutions of certain quadratic trinomials under linear and mixed partial differential operators. Our paper improves the results of Li-Xu [Axioms, 126(10)(2021), 1-19] in two directions. In addition, in a corollary, deducted from one of our main result, we extend a result of Zhang et al. [ Aims Math., 7(2022), 11597-11613]. A series of examples have been exhibited to justify the existence and forms of transcendental entire solution of such equations. In the last section of the paper we have put a relevant question for future research.
This article is devoted to explore various forms of transcendental entire solution of different quadratic trinomials generated by first order linear c-shift operator. We also investigate the forms of solutions of certain quadratic trinomials under linear and mixed partial differential operators. Our paper improves the results of Li-Xu [Axioms, 126(10)(2021), 1-19] in two directions. In addition, in a corollary, deducted from one of our main result, we extend a result of Zhang et al. [ Aims Math., 7(2022), 11597-11613]. A series of examples have been exhibited to justify the existence and forms of transcendental entire solution of such equations. In the last section of the paper we have put a relevant question for future research.
Fermat-type equation entire solution Nevanlinna theory partial differential equation trinomial equation
trinomial equation partial differential equation Fermat-type equation entire solution Nevanlinna theory