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Cognitive Engineering

Ingénierie cognitique

IngeCog - ISSN 2517-6978 - © ISTE Ltd

Aims and scope

Objectifs de la revue

Cognitive Engineering aims at publishing the main scientific, technical, epistemological and philosophical texts that concern cognitive technologies and their current and future development.


In a time ruled by exponential logic, digital technologies have spread in society, in systems involving humans and interfaces, their personal or shared uses or more globally their collective uses. Digital technologies are taking over organization and group life as well as people’s life to the point where they are entering bodies and moving into thoughts with new forms of anthropotechnical hybridity.


Important sectors are affected: intelligent and technological systems, learning systems, meta-cognitive systems, collaborative and hybrid systems, ethics and the future of cognitive engineering and its systems.

Ingénierie cognitique a pour vocation de publier les principaux textes scientifiques, technologiques, épistémologiques et philosophiques concernant les technologies cognitives et leurs développements actuels et futurs.


Dans une période soumise à la logique de l’exponentiel, le numérique sous toutes ses formes s’installe dans la société, dans les systèmes impliquant les hommes et les interfaces, leurs usages personnels, partagés ou plus généralement collectifs. Il envahit l’organisation et la vie des groupes comme des individus, allant jusqu’à pénétrer les corps ou s’insérer dans la pensée dans de nouvelles formes d’hybridité anthropotechnique.


De grands secteurs sont concernés : systèmes technologiques intelligents, systèmes apprenants, systèmes métacognitifs, systèmes collaboratifs et hybrides, éthique et futurs de l’ingénierie cognitique et des systèmes intelligents, naturels, artificiels et hybrides.


Ingénierie cognitique est une revue scientifique bilingue — Français–Anglais — à comité de lecture avec évaluation en double aveugle par des pairs, et éditée selon les principes “Open Science”.


Lien Sherpa Romeo

Journal issues


Volume 24- 7

Issue 1
Issue 2


Volume 23- 6

Issue 1


Volume 21- 5

Issue 1


Volume 20- 4

Issue 1


Volume 19- 3

Issue 1


Volume 18- 2

Issue 1


Volume 17- 1

Issue 1

Recent articles

An epistemological polyptich: an operative approach of epistemology
Laurent Chaudron

Epistemology does be a meta-discipline whose structuring as 4x4 matrix called epistemological polyptich is presented so as to help situate any scientific study according to a simple spectrum. Some consequences of this polyptich approach are stated.

Cognitive war at the heart of China’s socialization strategy
Tanguy Struye de Swielande, Kimberly Orinx, Simon Peiffer

As a theoretical concept, cognitive warfare is receiving increasing attention. Yet there is a gap between the nascent literature on the subject and a thorough understanding of China’s cognitive warfare strategy and tactics, as well as the impact it has on democracies. The research hypothesises that China’s cognitive warfare strategy, while drawing on disruptive technologies and scientific advances, particularly in the field of neuropsychology, is rooted in the country’s historical strategic culture, and in particular in the indirect strategy and (de)socialisation processes in China’s worldview.

On the subject of “meaning”
Jean-Claude Sallaberry

Following an inventory of some characteristics of “meaning”, we consider the interaction between a human being with another as a crucial situation. The question of meaning, with the hypothesis that meaning is the opposite of information, is then discussed.

Toward semantic XAI – the third wave of explainable artificial intelligence
Mathias Bollaert, Gilles Coppin

To respond to the problems posed by the growing use of AI models in high stakes applications, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has experienced significant growth in recent years. Initially dedicated to the search for technical solutions making it possible to produce explanations automatically, it encountered several difficulties, in particular when these solutions were confronted with non-expert end users. The XAI then sought to draw inspiration from the social sciences to produce explanations that were easier to understand. Despite some encouraging results, this new approach has not brought as much as hoped. This article analyzes the evolution of the XAI through these two periods. He discusses possible reasons for the difficulties encountered, and then proposes a new approach to improve the automated production of explanations. This approach, called semantic explainability or S-XAI, focuses on user cognition. While previous methods are oriented towards algorithms or causality, S-XAI starts from the principle that understanding relies above all on the user’s ability to appropriate the meaning of what is explained.

Human–Autonomy Teaming: Definitions, Debates, and Directions
Joseph B. Lyons, Katia Sycara, Michael Lewis, August Capiola

Researchers are beginning to transition from studying human–automation interaction to human–autonomy teaming. This distinction has been highlighted in recent literature, and theoretical reasons why the psychological experience of humans interacting with autonomy may vary and affect subsequent collaboration outcomes are beginning to emerge. In this review, we do a deep dive into human-autonomy teams (HATs) by explaining the differences between automation and autonomy and by reviewing the domain of human–human teaming to make inferences for HATs. We examine the domain of human–human teaming to extrapolate a few core factors that could have relevance for HATs. Notably, these factors involve critical social elements within teams that are central (as argued in this review) for HATs. We conclude by highlighting some research gaps that researchers should strive toward answering, which will ultimately facilitate a more nuanced and complete understanding of HATs in a variety of real-world contexts.

Foreward – note to the reader
Bernard Claverie

La revue « Ingénierie Cognitique » s’est donné pour mission de publier les textes scientifiques, technologiques, épistémologiques et philosophiques concernant les technologies et méthodes cognitives, c’est-à-dire celles utilisées pour connaître la cognition humaine, mais également les conséquences de sa mise en oeuvre et les moyens de l’action que l’on peut avoir sur elle.

Cognitive warfare: Foreword to the thematic issues
Mathieu Valette, Christian Harbulot, Antoine Hardouin

This special issue of this journal brings together a set of texts written by researchers from two French groups involved, first, in a public polemologic research programme, GECKO, and second, in a wider network devoted to conflictual cognitive action, CIVIL. The texts are published under the responsibility of their authors and are intended to provide a basis for thematic reflection stemming from some initial French-language work on the subject of ’cognitive warfare’.

Cognitive Warfare, Culture and National Narrative
Mathieu Valette

This article sets out the initial elements of a problematisation of cognitive warfare from a semiotic point of view. It will first propose a phenomenological framework for cognitive warfare, in terms of targets and attacks, and will sketch out a discussion about symbolic and cultural creations as conveying an authority, i.e. a legality that builds social cohesion. We’ll examine the national narrative as a symbolic creation necessary to communal living, but vulnerable to hostile attack, and a key component of a cognitive defence that still needs to be invented. Finally, we’ll look at the digital dimension as an intrinsic vulnerability in the "cultural defence" system of democracies.

The civil legitimacy of cognitive warfare
Christian Harbulot

This article addresses the issue of the civil culture of cognitive warfare, which is very rarely taken into account. In addition to military confrontation, three other types of confrontation can be considered here. Ideological and cultural confrontation, referring to the cognitive means used to destabilise or challenge a dominant ideological system. Geo-economic confrontation, all the informational manoeuvres linked to economic warfare. Societal confrontation, the intrusion of civil society players into economic problems. The players involved in these issues come from the civilian world, not the military.

Typologies of warfare and conflicts: an introduction to Vietnamese doctrines and perceptions
Jean-Philippe Eglinger

The concept of “cognitive warfare” (in its “Western” meaning) appeared very recently in Vietnam. Working on the semantic field of this concept (like others recently borrowed from the “West”) allows us to understand its “journey” and the perception that the Vietnamese authorities may have of it. However, beyond this semantic study, it is necessary to apprehend and understand Vietnamese military traditions, notably the revolutionary war, to be able to assess how they can constitute a favourable environment for the "absorption" of this "imported" concept and allow its reuse in a “Vietnamized” form either in a military or civilian context to serve Vietnam’s influence.

Editorial Board


Editor in Chief

IMS - ENSC Bordeaux INP


Membres du comité

IMS – Université de Bordeaux


IMS - ENSC Bordeaux INP


Theorik-Lab - Salon de Provence


LabSTICC - IMT Atlantique - Brest


SSRI-A8 - MESR - Paris


Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA
LIP6 - Sorbonne Université - Paris


Baptiste PREBOT
Direction générale de l’armement Paris


Reading committee

Formatting guidelines

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

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