Ingénierie et systèmes > Accueil > Incertitudes et fiabilité des systèmes multiphysiques > Numéro 2 > Article
Bouchaïb Radi
Abdelkhalak El Hami
INSA Rouen
Publié le 14 décembre 2018 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0308
In this paper, we study extensions of the RBDO of the piezoelectric engines with travelling wave taking into account the dynamic contact between the different components (stator and rotor). Generally, the life of these engines is limited by important abrasion of the different components. So, the notion of random variables and the risk of failure must be integrated in the mechanical analysis to ensure the good working of the system. The numerical treatment of the dynamic contact inside the motor is presented with the good choice of relaxation factors. The RBDO is often formulated as a minimization of the initial structural cost under constraints imposed on the values of elemental reliability indices corresponding to various limit states. The classical RBDO leads to high computing time and weak convergence, but a hybrid method has been proposed to overcame these two drawbacks. The efficiency of the hybrid method has been demonstrated on static and dynamic cases with extension to the variability of the probabilistic model. We propose two methods : the dynamic hybrid method and the frequencies hybrid method as extension of the improved hybrid method presented in further works.
In this paper, we study extensions of the RBDO of the piezoelectric engines with travelling wave taking into account the dynamic contact between the different components (stator and rotor). Generally, the life of these engines is limited by important abrasion of the different components. So, the notion of random variables and the risk of failure must be integrated in the mechanical analysis to ensure the good working of the system. The numerical treatment of the dynamic contact inside the motor is presented with the good choice of relaxation factors. The RBDO is often formulated as a minimization of the initial structural cost under constraints imposed on the values of elemental reliability indices corresponding to various limit states. The classical RBDO leads to high computing time and weak convergence, but a hybrid method has been proposed to overcame these two drawbacks. The efficiency of the hybrid method has been demonstrated on static and dynamic cases with extension to the variability of the probabilistic model. We propose two methods: the dynamic hybrid method and the frequencies hybrid method as extension of the improved hybrid method presented in further works.
Reliability Analysis Finite Element Analysis Reliability-based design Optimization dynamic contact
Reliability Analysis Reliability-Based Design Optimization Finite element analysis dynamic contact