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Entropy: Thermodynamics – Energy – Environment – Economy

Entropie : thermodynamique – énergie – environnement – économie

Entropie - ISSN 2634-1476 - © ISTE Ltd

Aims and scope

Objectifs de la revue

In 1965, the first edition of the journal Entropie announced that thermodynamics was the basis for many industrial applications, but also for advanced techniques (aerospace, particle and universe physics, metrology). It is a science of energy and entropy, a branch that studies the properties of materials and fluids, conversion processes.


But since then, it has also become clear that thermodynamics and energy have a major role in the living world and its evolution. This aspect is therefore an integral part of the themes of this journal, as well as the relationship with the environment and the economy: are we not talking about thermo-economics, climate change with the temperature drift, a thermodynamic notion if ever there was one?


In summary, the "new edition" of Entropie confirms the previous major fundamental and applied themes, but also opens up to various everyday applications in our societies, and offers new sections on the living world, on the economy (thermo-economics) and the environment through a systemic approach.


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Le premier éditorial de la revue Entropie annonçait, en 1965, que la thermodynamique est à la base de nombreuses applications industrielles, mais aussi de techniques de pointe (aérospatial, physique des particules et de l’univers, métrologie). Elle est une science de l’énergie et de l’entropie, branche qui étudie les propriétés des matériaux et des fluides, les processus de conversion.


Mais depuis lors, il est aussi apparu que la thermodynamique et l’énergie avait un rôle majeur dans le monde du vivant et de son évolution. Cet aspect fait donc partie intégrante des thèmes de la revue, de même que la relation à l’environnement et l’économie : ne parle-t-on pas de thermo économie, de changement climatique avec la dérive en température, notion thermodynamique s’il en est.


En résumé, la « nouvelle édition » d’Entropie confirme les thèmes majeurs antérieurs fondamentaux et appliqués, mais y ajoute une ouverture sur des applications diffuses de tous les jours dans nos sociétés, et de nouvelles rubriques du côté du monde du vivant, puis de l’économie (thermo-économie) et de l’environnement par une approche systémique.


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Journal issues

Recent articles

Monica Siroux

Le Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique a lieu pour la première fois à Strasbourg. A la fois capitale européenne et capitale alsacienne, Strasbourg est une grande ville universitaire s’appuyant sur le dynamisme de son université et de ses nombreux laboratoires de recherche pour asseoir sa réputation d’excellence. La 32ème Congrès Français de Thermique s’est déroulé du 4 au 7 juin 2024 à l’INSA Strasbourg. Le thème scientifique choisi pour cette édition est "Thermique et Architecture".

Transient thermo-hygrometric CFD model of Trombe wall system
Nour El Zein, Philippe Désévaux, Yacine Ait Oumeziane, Sylvie Bégot, Valérie Lepiller

The objective of this study is to develop a transient CFD model representing the dynamic behavior of Trombe walls. The current model takes into consideration variable solar radiation as well as the presence of occupants and their activities. The temperature and velocity profiles at different locations are plotted. The moisture’s impact on the hygrothermal behavior is then investigated. The results show that the relative humidity distribution inside the system is mainly influenced by the ventilation strategy in which the moisture is accelerated and transported by the flow in the case of vents opening. The finding revealed that the maximum relative humidity (RH) reached in the system doesn’t exceed 22%. However, due to the lower temperature values observed in the system during overcast winter nights, there is a potential condensation risk on glass and wall surfaces.

Spectral modelling of strongly anisothermal flows in solar receivers
Léa Cherry, Gilles Flamant, Françoise Bataille

Flows within solar receivers are turbulent and highly anisothermal, as they are subjected to significant temperature gradients. These conditions generate a strong coupling between heat transport and flow dynamics, requiring specific modeling to account for the effects of anisothermy on flow dynamics. In this article, we focus in particular on energy transfers between turbulent scales and thermal scales. A spectral analysis is developed and presented.

Contribution of reduced models to the experimental identification of thermal diffusivity of liquid metals
Jad HOUSSEIN, Frédéric JOLY, Mickaël COURTOIS, Thomas PIERRE, Olivier QUEMENER, Muriel CARIN

This article deals with the contribution of reduced models in the context of estimating the thermal diffusivity of liquid metals. The identification of this property is carried out using an experimental setup suitable for high temperatures, combined with an inverse process involving a numerical model that describes the transient thermal conduction and advection phenomena within the molten metal. A modal reduction technique of the numerical model is proposed here, in which temperature and velocity are decomposed on a POD basis. This double reduction procedure allows for a significant reduction in the order of the numerical model used in the inverse procedure, and thus in the identification computational time compared to classical finite element models. Initial results demonstrate the benefits of the technique in terms of results accuracy and computational speed.

Thermochemical Heat Storage: Experiments on several novel composite materials
Elise BERUT, Laurence BOIS, Jonathan OUTIN, Michel ONDARTS, Nolwenn LE PIERRES

Thermochemical heat storage is a promising technology: it enables long-term heat storage with negligible heat loss and high energy densities. Composite sorbents based on silica, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and a thermochemical salt were developed for a transport application and studied in an open fixed-bed reactor. These composites were cycled to assess their stability and to evaluate their water sorption capacity and storage energy density. The sorption kinetics was also investigated.

Influence of Magnetic Induction on the Iron Loss of a Domain and its equivalent diagrams elements
Jeannot VELONTSOA, Ulrich Michaël MAHAVELONA, Abdallah ATTOUMANI, Jean Edmond ZAFY

This article is dedicated to the analysis of the magnetic induction effects on the iron loss and the equivalent diagrams elements of a ferromagnetic domain subjected to this induction by using a parallelepipedic ferromagnetic domain subjected to a uniaxial magnetic flux. Induction B produced by an interdependent known source with the domain causes the domain saturation. This domain increases its consumption and sees the decrease of the resistances and the reactances values of its equivalent diagrams vis-a-vis the induction producing source. The increase in the iron loss and the reduction in the passive elements values of the equivalent diagrams are confirmed by the reduction in the resistivity and the permeability of the domain in Voltage Model where elements RL are in parallel as in Current Model where elements RL are in series. This phenomenon is visible during the duality parallel-series checking of the domain equivalent diagrams vis-a-vis the inductive source.

Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen’s bioeconomics: a new alliance between the economy and the biosphere
Sylvie Ferrari

Bioeconomics is a new approach to the relationship between the economy and the environment developed by N. Georgescu-Roegen (1906-1994), a great economist of the 20th century who was also a mathematician, philosopher and historian of science. The economy, as a sub-system of the biosphere, is understood in a global ecological context. It is also inseparable from the historical dimension of the development of societies, given the limited access to a stock of resources (energy and matter) taken from the environment. The ultimate aim of this original approach is to reconcile economic development with ecological constraints and to lead the economy towards sufficiency.

Hydrogen wet combustion and “Water Vapor Pump-cycle”
Rémi Guillet, Jean-Pierre Hébert, Gérald Brunel

The so-called “water vapor pump” cycle is defined by the selective recycling of the water vapor carried by the combustion products at the outlet of the thermal machine by exchange of mass and heat between the exiting combustion products and the incoming atmospheric air. With hydrogen fuel, this form of wet combustion is capable of very high energy and ecological performance. In this context, we present here the Hydrometric Combustion Diagram (HCD) of hydrogen and apply this tool to anticipate the energy performance of this new fuel whose PCS exceeds its PCI by 18%. These expectations also concern the case of gas turbines in the case of wet combustion which, moreover, are, a priori, highly consuming additional water. The formation of atmospheric water plumes, the "cost" of its elimination, the possible residual pollution due to NOx are also presented, this concerning the use of hydrogen fuel in all thermal combustion machines, including in fuel cells. All applications combined and in a cogeneration context, wet combustion, of which the so-called “water vapor pump” cycle is part, increases the dew point temperature of the combustion products by approximately 10°C and promotes useful energy recovery. approaching 100% of the higher calorific value of the fuel (100% of the PCS). What is to be emphasized with hydrogen fuel.

Biomimicry, an avenue to explore for process engineering?
Eric Schaer, Frédéric Demoly, Jean-Claude André

The exponential growth in the use of digital technology is forcing changes in the engineering of material and energy transformation processes, not only in terms of training, but also in terms of inventions of various origins, to revitalize this discipline, which is subject to strong environmental constraints. This near-breakthrough situation needs to be translated into greater creativity before we can achieve breakthrough or incremental innovations. To achieve this objective, it is sometimes useful to bring together two normally disjoint fields to generate ideas that are robust enough to be applied. This article discusses this method, based on biomimicry. Can taking advantage of nature’s ingenuity foster the emergence of anthropocentric inventions and thus accelerate innovation in the field of process engineering? This is the question posed by the authors in their quest to illustrate the opportunities and advantages of such an approach, as well as its current limitations.

What training is needed for industrial research?
Eric Schaer, Frédéric Demoly, Jean-Claude André

A look at the curricula of many French engineering schools reveals that their global vision is reflected in educational categories geared towards theoretical, rational and deterministic generalist learning, with a focus on the main application targets. Links with industry are developed in large part through internships, which broaden the somewhat closed vision provided by their school. This situation has its roots in history, with the need to master mathematical models to design structures, weapons, bridges, factories, material and energy transformation processes, and so on. What we are witnessing is the decline of technological eras from coal to electricity to electronics, with an increasingly constrained environment and demands for ever more sophisticated devices, with ever shorter life spans, in a changing social context. The question posed in this reflection is to analyze whether the impact of the major trends we have just mentioned is likely to call into question, at least in part, the fundamentals of current training courses. What we are showing is the importance of rigorous concepts, which must nevertheless be extended in different ways to other fields, promoting creativity, imagination and agility to bring the engineer’s work closer to the social demand for new needs. For the time being, the authors see this as a flexible/adaptive approach that should encourage creative modes on the part of students, the mastery of doubt, interdisciplinarity and the management of complexity in the development of industrial processes.

Editorial Board


Editor in Chief

Michel FEIDT
Université de Lorraine


Vice Editor in Chief


Philippe GUIBERT
Sorbonne Université


Université de Gabès

Université de Franche-Comté

George DARIE
Université Politehnica de Bucarest
Lazlo KISS
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Université Rovira i Virgili
Gianpaolo MANFRIDA
Université de Florence
Phillipe MATHIEU
Université de Liège
Université de Toulouse

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