Titre : Extension des operations semistar Auteurs : Gmiza Wafa, Hizem Sana, Revue : Avancées en Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées Numéro : Numéro 2 (Spécial CSMT 2022) Volume : 14 Date : 2023/03/7 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2023.0934 ISSN : 1869-6090 Résumé : Let R ⊂ T be an extension of integral domains and ∗ be a semistar operation stable of finite type on R. We define a semistar operation ∗1 on T in the following way : for each nonzero T-submodule E of the quotient field K1 of T, let E∗1 = ∪ {E :K1 JT | J ∈ $$$\mathcal{F}$$$∗}, where K1 denotes the quotient field of T and $$$\mathcal{F}$$$∗ the localizing system associated to ∗. In this paper we investigate the basic properties of ∗1. Moreover, we show that the map $$$\varphi$$$ which associates to a semistar operation ∗ stable and of finite type on R, the semistar operation ∗1 is continuous. Furthermore, we give sufficient conditions for $$$\varphi$$$ to be a homeomorphism. Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience