@ARTICLE{TBA, TITLE={[FORTHCOMING] Decarbonization, a driver of a real systemic transformation of the techno-industrial sector? The case of the automobile industry in Yvelines}, AUTHOR={Dalila MESSAOUDI , Margaux ALAMARTINE, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={}, NUMBER={Forthcoming papers}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/Decarbonization-a-driver-of-a-real-systemic-transformation-of-the-techno}, DOI={TBA}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={This article aims to explore decarbonization as a catalyst for industrial transformation, considering the tensions between the need to reindustrialize territories and taking into account environmental issues. Through the example of the reconversion of Renault Flins into a circular economy factory in the Yvelines department, it highlights the challenges and opportunities linked to this change, while emphasizing the importance of understanding the complex mechanisms that govern interactions in this new ecosystem.}}