@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1138, TITLE={Digital strategies to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: the adoption of mobile contact tracing applications}, AUTHOR={Robert VISEUR, }, JOURNAL={Open Journal in Information Systems Engineering}, VOLUME={4}, NUMBER={Special Issue}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/Digital-strategies-to-fight-the-COVID-19-pandemic-the-adoption-of-mobile}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1138}, ISSN={2634-1468}, ABSTRACT={In December 2019, an epidemic of pneumonia attributed to a new coronavirus started in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Its global spread led the WHO to declare the COVID-19 epidemic a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Europe has also been hit by the epidemic and has experienced successive confinements to limit the pressure on health care systems. However, some countries (e.g. Taiwan and South Korea) have been better able to contain the pandemic, as evidenced by significantly lower mortality figures. In these countries, digital technology is often an important part of the government’s response to the pandemic. In this research, we focus on the adoption of mobile contact tracing applications, which are widely deployed in Europe on the model of comparable Asian projects. On the one hand, we highlight the disconnection between the state of knowledge, formal or experiential, of proximity tracing applications. On the other hand, thanks to the analysis of the decision making process in front of this innovation, for governments and citizens, we identify two distinct modalities of consent, free or directed. We prefer a local diffusion strategy to global diffusion strategies and propose an application to the university context.}}