@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1082, TITLE={Cognitive Warfare, Culture and National Narrative}, AUTHOR={Mathieu Valette, }, JOURNAL={Cognitive Engineering}, VOLUME={7}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/Cognitive-Warfare-Culture-and-National-Narrative}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1082}, ISSN={2517-6978}, ABSTRACT={This article sets out the initial elements of a problematisation of cognitive warfare from a semiotic point of view. It will first propose a phenomenological framework for cognitive warfare, in terms of targets and attacks, and will sketch out a discussion about symbolic and cultural creations as conveying an authority, i.e. a legality that builds social cohesion. We’ll examine the national narrative as a symbolic creation necessary to communal living, but vulnerable to hostile attack, and a key component of a cognitive defence that still needs to be invented. Finally, we’ll look at the digital dimension as an intrinsic vulnerability in the "cultural defence" system of democracies.}}