@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2023.1023, TITLE={Wood in a unexpected state. Traces of neolithic and protohistoric installations in pits and ditches of acid and well-drained silty soils (Middle Belgium and northern France)}, AUTHOR={Kai Fechner , Clément Menbrivès , Frédéric Broes , Hugues Doutrelepont(†) , Olivier Vrielynck, }, JOURNAL={Archaeology, Society and Environment}, VOLUME={3}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2023}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/Wood-in-a-unexpected-state-Traces-of-neolithic-and-protohistoric-installations}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2023.1023}, ISSN={2752-4507}, ABSTRACT={Neolithic settlement structures and protohistoric burials on well-drained and deeply decarbonated silts have revealed blackish horizontal laminated traces that we have called dark clayey laminations. Micromorphology and botany allow us to relate them to wood in specific anthropic installations and contexts (ovens, pits, tombs, ditches, etc.). Archaeo-pedological and botanical studies had made it possible to specify the diversified nature of these installations, their function and their mode of conservation. A new study of some of the thin sections by a botanist and micromorphologist brings some insights that are more precise.}}