@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0604, TITLE={BLADE: An automated decision support tool to guide the choice of a Blockchain technology}, AUTHOR={Nicolas Six, Nicolas Herbaut, Camille Salinesi, }, JOURNAL={Open Journal in Information Systems Engineering}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2021}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/BLADE-An-automated-decision-support-tool-to-guide-the-choice-of-a-Blockchain}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0604}, ISSN={2634-1468}, ABSTRACT={Companies trying to build new solutions using blockchain are confronted with a plethora of available concurrent technologies that have many control knobs which require fine-tuning by experts. Exiting studies that build decision models for blockchain adoption or selection lack an automated way to use non-functional requirements to provide recommendations. This article, extended from previous works, introduces BLADE (BLockchain Automated DEcision Engine), a decision support tool for blockchain to better take into account high level requirements and preferences for recommendations. From documentations, white papers and academic papers, a knowledge base of blockchain solutions is constructed. This allows BLADE to execute an automated multi-criteria decision process giving the most relevant solution based on requirements and preferences, extracted from the ISO 25010 software quality standard. An implementation of this tool is performed within a web platform allowing the easy capture of user requirements and preferences for recommendation. Finally, the proposed approach is validated on a supply chain management case study. This study is a first step in order to design a solution allowing the design and implementation of end-to-end blockchain applications. While still limited in scope, BLADE will include more blockchain alternatives and more flexible requirements inputs in future work.}}