@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0419, TITLE={Quantum phenomena as saturated phenomena. Third phenomenological reduction: donation}, AUTHOR={Viviana Yaccuzzi Polisena, }, JOURNAL={Art and Science}, VOLUME={3}, NUMBER={Issue 2}, YEAR={2019}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/Quantum-phenomena-as-saturated-phenomena-Third-phenomenological-reduction}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0419}, ISSN={2515-8767}, ABSTRACT={Jean-Luc Marion proposes the third phenomenological reduction, beyond Husserl and Heidegger. The radical reduction, the donation of transcendence in immanence, dissolves appearances and false realities; in this way, the donation establishes the stages of phenomenality. It establishes the fourth principle of phenomenology: the more reduction, the more donation. We analyze the notion of the irruption of the event as novelty; such events are quantum phenomena. That which bursts in and amplifies is the notion of donation, which was limited to the sensitive; in this way, events (quantum phenomena) become accessible through ’counter-experience’. Quantum phenomena are ignored as to what they really are and on which traditional procedures are applied in order to limit them to a phenomenicity that is not their own. There is a deficiency and absence of concept, thus, the visibility of the appearance arises against the current of the intention overflowing the donation. This saturated phenomenon surprises by the originality of the event exceeding the gaze and suffocating the concept; by way of vindication. Vindication calls us and challenges us, summons us. The person summoned discovers himself as a subject who experiences the surprise of an event that he does not understand. The arrival of the manifestation of oneself from oneself provokes a reconfiguration of the world-subject and a crisis; it is novelty, it is transgression, hence the event (quantum phenomenon) is a saturated phenomenon because it bursts in, transforms and innovates us.}}