@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0360, TITLE={Development of common repositories: the complex coordination of collaborative work}, AUTHOR={Antoine Laurent, Vanessa Lea, Vincent Ard, François Baleux, Carine Calastrenc, Ignacio Clemente Conte, Daniel Condis, Muriel Gandelin, Ermengol Gassiot Ballbè, Catherine Georjon, Florent Hautefeuille, Mélanie Le Couédic, Vivien Mathé, Clément Moreau, Joan Nunes Alonso, Frédéric Pouget, Christine Rendu, }, JOURNAL={Digital Archaeology}, VOLUME={3}, NUMBER={Issue 1
Proceedings of the session n° III-3 (CA) of the XVIII° UISPP congress, Paris, June 2018 Session III-3 (CA). Construire des référentiels partagés : Webmapping et archéologie.
}, YEAR={2019}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/Development-of-common-repositories-the-complex-coordination-of-collaborative}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0360}, ISSN={2515-7574}, ABSTRACT={Current archaeological research practices confirm a strong trend towards the grouping of researchers and the sharing of data, which now requires the establishment of shared platforms. This change in practices is reflected in the shift from working locally to opening up to databases shared by several teams, several institutions and even several countries. Since 2005, the experience of seven projects carried out in the Traces laboratory (Architerre, ChasséoLab, Départ, Graph-Comp, Modelespace, Monumen, M&P) in collaboration with French and foreign partner institutions (Ministry of Culture, regional services, CNRS, universities, preventive archaeology organizations and companies, associations, etc.) has helped to clarify the principles of coordination, complexity, collaborative work and the impact of the choices made.}}