@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0309, TITLE={Contribution of the Runge Kutta order 4 method in the dynamic of Mechanical System}, AUTHOR={Trésor Kanyiki, }, JOURNAL={Uncertainties and Reliability of Multiphysical Systems}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 2}, YEAR={2018}, URL={https://www.openscience.fr/Contribution-of-the-Runge-Kutta-order-4-method-in-the-dynamic-of-Mechanical}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0309}, ISSN={2514-569X}, ABSTRACT={The purpose of this article is to solve the differential equations of Lagrange of a discrete system. Indeed, modeling and simulation are important steps in mechanical analysis. Modeling makes it possible to write the differential equations that describe the dynamic behavior and the simulation makes it possible to produce the resolution. We presented the Runge Kutta order 4 method under Matlab to solve the differential equations of a discrete system.}}