Titre : Consideration of uncertainty in the efficiency study of a two-stage gearbox of a wind turbine Auteurs : Mouna Hadj Kacem, Abdelkhalak El Hami, Hassen Trabelsi, Lassaad Walha, Mohamed Haddar, Revue : Uncertainties and Reliability of Multiphysical Systems Numéro : Issue 1 Volume : 5 Date : 2022/01/21 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0778 ISSN : 2514-569X Résumé : The present study investigates the dynamic transmission efficiency of a two-stage wind turbine gearbox by considering the uncertainty. The work consists of considering the uncertainty in determining the dynamic behavior of input and output angular displacement velocity to achieve the efficiency. The uncertainties considered in this work are the gear modulus and torsional stiffness, applied independently to understand the effect of each on the system and finally in a coupled manner to reach results by interaction. In order to approach the real experimental values, the uncertainty is applied with the Monte Carlo method, whose results will be the verification reference for the probabilistic Polynomial Chaos approach. Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience