Titre : Botanical models, between art and science Auteurs : Florence Tessier, Revue : Art and Science Numéro : Issue 3
Volume : 4 Date : 2020/04/20 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0503 ISSN : 2515-8767 Résumé : The diversity of 3D botanical models is perceived at first through their different materials, of which an overview is given. Textile artificial flowers are to be included: some have been crafted as botanical models throughout the 19th century, as reveals the case of Marie Fortier’s artificial herbariums. Their diversity also stems from the evolution of the botanical science itself, and its relation to arts. As the old models become museal objects, the algorithmic botanical models still inspire artists. Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience