TY - Type of reference TI - Automatic indexing of scientific papers Presentation and results of DEFT 2016 text mining challenge AU - Béatrice Daille AU - Sabine Barreaux AU - Adrien Bougouin AU - Florian Boudin AU - Damien Cram AU - Amir Hazem AB - This paper presents the 2016 edition of the DEFT text mining challenge. This edition adresses the keyword-based indexing of scientific papers with the aim of simulating a professional indexer. The corpus is composed of French bibliographic records from four domains : linguistics, information science, archaeology and chemisty. The results have been evaluated in terms of precision, recall and f-measure computed on stemmed texts against a reference manual indexation. DO - 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0209 JF - Information Retrieval, Document and Semantic Web KW - document indexing, keyphrase, specialized domains, scientific aricles, French, indexation automatique, mot-clé, domaines de spécialité, articles scientifiques, français, L1 - http://www.openscience.fr/IMG/pdf/iste_ridows17v1n3.pdf LA - en PB - ISTE OpenScience DA - 2018/01/9 SN - 2516-3280 TT - Indexation d’articles scientifiques Présentation et résultats du défi fouille de textes DEFT 2016 UR - http://www.openscience.fr/Automatic-indexing-of-scientific-papers-Presentation-and-results-of-DEFT-2016 IS - Issue 1 VL - 1 ER -