TY - Type of reference TI - Personal Idea and Shared Collective Vision in Research: (1) Concepts AU - Frédéric Demoly AU - Jean-Claude André AB - Whether it pertains the possibility of staying within old paradigms or, conversely, exploring new areas of thought that lead to genuine conceptual breakthroughs, society demands creativity (invention, innovation). The pressure exerted on designers is not only a comforting continuity but also stems from major trends related to climate change, resource depletion, inter-individual local and international relationships, and more. While this approach is often personal to a large extend, having a (good) idea without exchanging with various partners generally does not lead very far. It is essential to consider, in a more global, interdisciplinary and forward-thinking manner, how to translate and further develop the seed of an idea to bring forth realistic solutions on scientific and/or technical levels. For intelligence to be collective or collaborative, it must be effectively shared. This sharing, within heuristic processes, raises awareness of the variety and complexity of ideas and encourages acceptance of the heterogeneity of each thought, solution, practice, and behavior. The aim of this collective work is to define a critical path through which the organization will create value. DO - 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1237 JF - Entropy: Thermodynamics – Energy – Environment – Economy KW - Idée, intelligence collective, organisation, heuristique, expertise, autonomie, nouveauté, concept, invention, innovation, Idea, Collective intelligence, Organization, Heuristics, Expertise, Autonomy, Novelty, Concept, Invention, Innovation, L1 - http://www.openscience.fr/IMG/pdf/iste_entropie24v5n2_9.pdf LA - en PB - ISTE OpenScience DA - 2024/11/29 SN - 2634-1476 TT - Idée personnelle et vision collective partagée en recherche : (1) Concepts UR - http://www.openscience.fr/Personal-Idea-and-Shared-Collective-Vision-in-Research-1-Concepts IS - Issue 2 VL - 5 ER -