TY - Type of reference TI - First Chen Inequality for General Warped Product Submanifolds of a Riemannian Space Form and Applications AU - Abdulqader MUSTAFA AU - Cenap OZEL AU - Alexander PIGAZZINI AU - Ramandeep KAUR AU - Gauree SHANKER AB - In this paper, the first Chen inequality is proved for general warped product submanifolds in Riemannian space forms, this inequality involves intrinsic invariants (δ-invariant and sectional curvature) controlled by an extrinsic one (the mean curvature vector), which provides an answer for Chen’s Problem 1 relating to establish simple relationships between the main extrinsic invariants and the main intrinsic invariants of a submanifold. As a geometric application, this inequality is applied to derive a necessary condition for the immersed submanifold to be minimal in Riemannian space forms, which presents a partial answer for the well-known problem proposed by S.S. Chern, Problem 2. For further research directions, we address a couple of open problems; namely Problem 3 and Problem 4. DO - 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2023.0979 JF - Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics KW - Mean curvature vector, δ-invariant, scalar curvature, warped products, minimal submanifolds, Riemannian space forms, Mean curvature vector, δ-invariant, scalar curvature, warped products, minimal submanifolds, Riemannian space forms, L1 - http://www.openscience.fr/IMG/pdf/iste_apam23v14n3_2.pdf LA - en PB - ISTE OpenScience DA - 2023/06/15 SN - 1869-6090 TT - Première inégalité de Chen pour des produits tordus de sous-variétés d’un espace forme riemannien et applications UR - http://www.openscience.fr/First-Chen-Inequality-for-General-Warped-Product-Submanifolds-of-a-Riemannian IS - Issue 3 (June 2023) VL - 14 ER -