@ARTICLE{TBA, TITLE={[FORTHCOMING] Tabletop roleplaying as a gamification of a case study in management control}, AUTHOR={Rémi Martin , Frédéric Favre-Félix, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={}, NUMBER={Forthcoming papers}, YEAR={2024}, URL={http://www.openscience.fr/Tabletop-roleplaying-as-a-gamification-of-a-case-study-in-management-control}, DOI={TBA}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={French students in the Management Control and Performance Management (CG2P) course of the University Bachelor of Technology (BUT) of the speciality Business Organisation & Management (GEA) are often focused on obtaining quantitative results, i.e. essentially carrying out calculations and applying formulas, which limits their understanding of the managerial and economic concepts being worked on. To correct this shortcoming, a role-playing game (RPG) learning approach applied to a case study in management control is presented. This pedagogical method engages students by immersing them in practical scenarios that require them to mobilize management control concepts. The aim is to show how JDR can transform “academic” learning into skills through a scripted management simulation. The paper details the organization of a JDR session where students play the role of consultants, using a game built on the basis of an exam annal (French Accounting and Management Diploma - 2011). In a dynamic, interactive context, students are encouraged to apply theory and analysis to reinforce quantitative aspects, thus fostering commitment, collaboration and autonomous learning. The results of this experience are positive, with the majority of students reporting a better understanding of management control concepts, increased commitment and support for teamwork. However, a few points of attention stand out, such as the complexity of the scenarios and workload management.}}