@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0842, TITLE={Contributing to a Responsible University: A look back at 30 years of experience at the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne (France)}, AUTHOR={Sandrine Berger-Douce, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={7}, NUMBER={Issue 3}, YEAR={2022}, URL={http://www.openscience.fr/Contributing-to-a-Responsible-University-A-look-back-at-30-years-of-experience}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0842}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={Our students are looking for meaning, want to be useful... in other words, to evolve in a responsible University! But what exactly is it? This article is structured around two main points. First, it returns to the question of Why a responsible University. Higher education institutions are encouraged to review their training, tools and pedagogical discourses to meet the challenges brought about by the ecological transition and the digital transformation. The challenge for the University is then to develop the employability of students who are increasingly engaged in society, which implies a tolerance for imperfection and a new relationship with time. In a second step, it develops the How a responsible University around the idea of a necessary commitment of actors in favor of sustainable innovations inspired by DD&RS, both internally and in society. The École des Mines de Saint-Étienne is a pioneer on these issues with the creation, in 1991, of a training and research center dedicated to these subjects and the establishment, in 2005, of a delegation for sustainable development and CSR. The result of this proactive policy carried out for 30 years on a daily basis with students, alumni, staff and partners on the two campuses of the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne is reflected in particular by its THE (Times Higher Education IMPACT) ranking, which references the world’s higher education institutions according to the 17 UN SDGs.}}