@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0734, TITLE={Francis Blache and the manufacture of coal by-products: between intelligence technology and experimentation}, AUTHOR={Luc Rojas, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={6}, NUMBER={Issue 4}, YEAR={2021}, URL={http://www.openscience.fr/Francis-Blache-and-the-manufacture-of-coal-by-products-between-intelligence}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0734}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={Like other collieries, Montrambert experienced difficulties with the economic markets at the end of the 19th century. To fight against these difficulties, the colliery wanted to exploit coal waste. The company entrusted this mission to Francis Blache. The engineer became factory manager: he chose to combine science and industry. His choices enabled the company to obtain new markets, notably that of gas.}}