@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0532, TITLE={From the symogih.org project to the Data for History consortium - Collaborative information modeling for geo-historical data production and interoperability in the semantic web}, AUTHOR={Francesco Beretta, Vincent Alamercery, }, JOURNAL={Open Journal in Information Systems Engineering}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Issue 3}, YEAR={2020}, URL={http://www.openscience.fr/From-the-symogih-org-project-to-the-Data-for-History-consortium-Collaborative}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0532}, ISSN={2634-1468}, ABSTRACT={The symogih.org project ("Système modulaire de gestion de l’information historique") set up in 2008 a virtual research environment allowing the collaborative and cumulative production of geo-historical data from multiple and different research projects. Particular attention was paid in this process to the methods of pooling and interoperability of data, and in particular to the question of the creation of a generic and open model, the basis of the information system and capable of adapting to issues of the different projects. This approach led the project leaders to connect their work to the conceptual framework of CIDOC CRM and to launch an initiative for a Data for History consortium which aims to promote the activity of an international community of researchers interested in a shared data model in which decline the specifics of each project. This process will facilitate the networking, interoperability and sustainability of geo-historical data produced in the information systems of different projects, in accordance with the FAIR principles.}}