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Vol 4 - Issue 1

Industrial and Systems Engineering

List of Articles

Definition of a model-based engineering framework for the design and management of local agri-food systems
Jean-Luc Paris, Carole Chazoule, Mathieu Désolé, Nicolas Brulard, Stéphane Fournier, Laurent Trognon, Olivier Devise

The objective of this project is to produce knowledge on hybrid food systems between short and long circuits, on their economic, social and environmental performances, on the conditions of their sustainability, in order to co-construct with the partner actors of the project a method and support tools for their sustainable development. These systems are particularly complex: interaction between actors, interaction between performance indicators of various kinds, new vocabulary and new practices centered on human relationships with very little formalization. To tackle this problem, we propose to use some system engineering approaches based on meta-modeling, both at the level of flows, as well as requirements as well as performance indicators. After presenting the problem, we will detail our approach as well as its implementation. We will end with a review and outlook.

Industrial Internet of Things to improve lean manufacturing culture: literature review and solution outline for manufacturing plants
Didérot Déraillet Tadja, Samuel Bassetto, Michel Tollenaere, Tony Wong

This work aims to show importance of Industrial Internet of Things to improve lean manufacturing culture. The literature review that encompasses lean manufacturing, industry 4.0 and teamwork behaviour, is based on Concordia University Library (2020) and Machi (2012) literature review processes. From this work, it has been possible to structure lean manufacturing technical practices into 5 methods and identify 8 main industry 4.0 technological groups. The fruit of this work is a NVC lean coach system based on the integration of industrial internet of thing to seed lean manufacturing culture. Although this system is at proposal stage, it is a potential solution to the known problem of lean manufacturing implementation failure in manufacturing plants. At teaching level, it will contribute to update lean manufacturing courses.

Combination of two methodologies "GRAI" and "SCOR" for modeling and improving the performance of the downstream pharmaceutical supply chain
Dorra Dridi, Younes Boujelbene

Les produits pharmaceutiques sont une composante importante du coût des activités du système de santé. Étant donné que les dépenses en produits pharmaceutiques représentent une part importante du budget total de l’hôpital, il est intéressant d’améliorer et d’optimiser la chaîne logistique pharmaceutique. La modélisation est un point de départ pour toute amélioration et optimisation. Parmi les outils de modélisation, on peut citer les modèles d’entreprise tels que le modèle SCOR et le modèle GRAI. Le présent article présente l’intérêt des méthodes de modélisation d’entreprise et les applique sur un cas concret à l’aide d’une démarche de modélisation intégrée SCOR/GRAI afin de construire une grille décisionnelle de pilotage pour la chaine logistique des médicaments dans un hôpital public.

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